
Motorized gadget: step #1

     Since I love technical stuff, I have many different ideas in my mind. Mostly they are useless but fun to create, plan and integrate.
     This time I couldn't let go of an idea about motorized panel in my car that would turn 180 degrees when car stereo is switched on. The panel should turn back 180 degrees when car stereo is switched off.  
A lot to do till then, but for now - I'm proud to say that I have finished the first phase!
Since motorization will be done by a servo which uses 5 V current, I encountered my first problem - where to find 5 V in my car?
     My father drew scheme that should convert 12 V to 5 V. With a list of needed components I went to my local radioshack. Few decades ago my father was a radio engineer so many components were already meticulously sorted in small boxes. 

So the scheme:

      According to the scheme we solder everything together:

     Adding this scheme to 12 V power supply, at first output current wasn't 5 V. With both potentiometers I was able to calibrate output current to 5 V. This scheme is quite universal, because it is possible to calibrate output current from 1 to 12 V. Note: this scheme is intended for 500 mA.
     Edited: Transistor gets very hot, so heatsink should be applied. 
Next phases will folow!

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