
Motorized gadget: step #4

       In the previous blog posts I got trough with the main problems in circuits that control servo.

If you missed them:
Step #1: Voltage limiter from 12 to 5 V
Step #2: NE555 timer for servo control
Step #3: Problem solving with oscilloscope

      With the circuits working I had to proceed with the next phase - integration in the car panel.

      So the idea is to use the center console air vents from my car. Since I don't use these vents, I decided to sacrifice them in the name of my project.

      I took out the center part witch consisted of three separate parts. The best thing with these vents is that they are cylindrical, so they can be rolled 180 degrees. 

      At first I took the vent system apart:

        I had to modify these vents, so they could turn fully around. With a bit of pliers, knife and drill I got rid of small things that didn't allow the vents to move around.

       Also I cut out the small plastic wall that separated two vent barrels:

      Since these vents without modification moved only few degrees, I had to create axis that would allow to roll the vent barrels 360 degrees around. Few years ago I bought axis for my RC project that are very precise, with minimum traction and perfect fit. So I was able to use them now:

       Since I had to use bolts on both ends, I had to create thread for M4 bolt.

       After putting axis in place and being sure that vent barrels can turn around, I had to place servo so it would be in the center of axis. Since servo had to be in direct contact with the turning vents, I had to drill and cut out U type hole in the plastic wall that separated vent barrels from servo.

       Servo was attached to the vent system with some aluminum plate.

       As you can see in the picture the U type hole allows the servo (with a screw in it) to turn 180 degrees.

      Since the barrel where servo is placed won't be moving, I had to modify it so it would fit and allow the servo to do its job.

After putting it all together this is what I achieved for now:

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