
Motorized gadget: step #5

       So I got to the part of fixing iPhone to the motorized vent.

      This was quite a challenge because the phone has to be placed in perfect center or otherwise the system won't be able to rotate. Secondly to fixate screws and nuts, you have to be jeweller (that's why I used rivets instead).
So first I attached some aluminum ribs so I would be able to attach iPhone cover to the moving part.

        Next I drilled holes in the iPhone cover, that would match the holes on the aluminum ribs beneath. 
After riveting iPhone cover to the aluminum ribs, I had to ensure that vent system can rotate 180 degrees. It couldn't... That's why there are several unnecessary holes in the iPhone cover. :)

        So this works for now as you can see in the video below:

 Unfortunately there are additional problems that I have to solve. 
1. How to connect iPhone wires so that they would allow to move the center part.
2. How to disguise the vent so that it when iPhone can be seen, no other stuff is visible (like the center axis).

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